Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Red nose day.

Last week friday we had red nose day it was so cool. We made some yum biskets and we put some stuff on it. Then we took photos when we started to eat them it was so nice. I liked our M&Ms those were so nice to.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Giant wetas

Our class is doing stuff about the Mahoenui Giant wetas it is so fun because I am finshed it and I have learnt alot of stuff about it. I really like mine because it is so pretty and so cool.



Last week wednesday we had athletics and it was so fun. I came 1st in sprints and in long jump my best was 3.67 in high jump I got up to the year 6 girls and year 4 boys. It was so fun doing athletics and a boy at our school said it was dumb.

Monday, November 8, 2010


This is for challenge 6 activty 3

Fun day

This is for challenge 6 activty 2

Today is the best day ever because we get to go on the blog challenge and I love doing the blog stuff it is so cool.

The game

This is for challenge 6 activty 1

I went on simons blog and it was very cool I liked it so much.

Monday, November 1, 2010


This is for week 3 challeng 5

smiley starYousing images on your blog is very inportent because it makes it more interesting for you readers and helps to grab their attention.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Today is so cool because I am having alot of fun.Also today I played a game with miss.

My touch screen

Yesterday I got a touch screen and it was so cool. I played it last night and it was so fun. It was my dads touch screen but he got a new phone and gave that phone to me.But I like my dads phone to because it is so cool and so so so big that is why I like my dads phone.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

fun stuff

Today it is very cool because we have golden time and it is so fun.

Monday, October 18, 2010


This is for challenge 3 week 3

Why Otorohanga is a good place is because it is an inportint town and a very good town and is fun.

New Zealand

This is for challenge 2 week 3

NewZealand  is a very good place and there is alot of new things to learn. It is a good place to stay and you  will have alot of fun and it is so cool.North Island Brown Kiwi

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Yesterday after lunch we had Libby and she told us how todo running.We had to sprint to theend of our field and we had to jog and walk. It was so fun.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My weekends

In my weekends I went to my nans house. And on the 7 of october it was my nans birthday and she turned a big age and on the 9 it was my auntys birthday. And last saturday we had a family fun day we were going to play sport but the weather was to bad for us to play in.So we played tenpin bowling and minigolf I got 2 strikes it was so fun.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Where I am going

For 1week I am going to be staying at my nans house. We might be cooking because my nan loves cooking she is so good at it.
Soon we will be having a family funday it is on a Sataday.We will be playing sports games my fav is Netball because it is so cool and a lot of us like to play netball.I hopp we do a 1k run.I am the best at the 1k run my time is in 4 min or3.We will be playing basketball to.